

Today, we’re releasing another song of our new album for you – it’s called Kopfkarussell!
There are nights, when you don’t get rest. Your mind won’t turn off and spins around. Everything seems to be much worse and hopeless. But when the light returns and the morning clears all of the trouble, it reminds us of being optimistic. Things will work out, you realize. This constant change of darkness and light is ever-present. Even the trees don’t give up hoping for the light after dark to perform photosynthesis again.
The album version of Kopfkarussell is now available for streaming and download. We also filmed a live session of the song in an art studio ( where large paintings inspired by our new songs are being made at the moment – but more on that later.
Finally this month, our album ‘into the deep’ will be out on august 25th. In the meantime we hope you enjoy our german song Kopfkarussell!